What Happens Next
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Once submitted, referrals are forwarded to the case manager and other select university services for review. Depending on the urgency involved, a number of immediate actions may be taken, including a police welfare check or other contacts with the student involved. Once reviewed, a case manager will usually contact the person making the referral to learn additional information. This often happens within 24 hours of the referral. The case manager is generally interested in learning more about the student involved and any interventions that have already taken place.
Based on the information provided, a case manager may reach out to the student to establish a meeting time and discuss the concerns that have been raised. Where appropriate, a case manager may assist the student by connecting her with appropriate resources on campus and helping the student to navigate the University’s policies and procedures. In rare situations involving a potential threat to other members of the university community, the student may be asked to participate in some additional assessment to ensure the safety of the campus community.
Not all referrals result in a face-to-face meeting with the student. In many situations, the case manager can and does provide consultation advice to the person making the referral to ensure that the student involved is connected to the appropriate resources on campus.
When possible and appropriate, the case manager will provide an update to the person making the referral on the actions that have been taken. The amount of information that is able to be shared in any update is limited substantially by federal privacy laws (including FERPA).
Two Teams | One Goal
Ensuring Safety of Students and Community
NC State Cares
NC State Cares is a cross-campus program that provides support for students in crisis or who have been referred as exhibiting concerning or worrisome behavior and whose behavior does not indicate a direct threat of harm to the NC State community. The team meets weekly throughout most of the academic year and is designed to promote an efficient sharing of information and resources with the goal of providing the best practical support for students in need. Members often take an active role with students by reaching out and providing support based on their areas of expertise.
Currently, membership includes representation from the Academic Support Programs for Student-Athletes (ASPSA), Behavioral Assessment Team, Counseling Center, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Engineering, University College, Disability Resource Office, University Housing, Office of Equal Opportunity, Office of International Students, University Police and Women’s Center. The group is chaired by CARES Case Managers.
Behavioral Assessment Team (BAT)
The BAT promotes the NC State community’s safety via a proactive, multidisciplinary, coordinated and objective approach to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention and management of situations that pose, or may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of our campus community (i.e. students, faculty, staff and visitors). The team is coordinated through the University’s Violence and Threat Management Office. The team is chaired by the Associate Vice Chancellor of Environmental Health and Public Safety and also consists of the Risk Assessment Case Manager, Student Behavioral Case Manager, Violence Prevention and Threat Management Case Manager, a faculty representative and representatives from the Counseling Center, University Housing, Office of Student Conduct, University Police, and the Office of General Counsel. For further information about the Behavior Assessment Team and its function, please visit the University Violence and Threat Management Office.