Help a Student
Faculty may become concerned about a student for various reasons but may not know how to respond, and sometimes faculty may not be the person best situated to respond. In those cases, faculty can get involved by sharing their concern with NC State Counseling Center
However, faculty are in a unique position to identify and help students who are experiencing problems. As outlined in Making the Link: Faculty and Prevention, here is a brief outline of what to do if there is the suspicion that a student has a problem:
- Choose a time and private place when the student is most receptive and make sure he or she is not under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
- Explain why you are talking with the person, which should include a statement that expresses your care and concern.
- Describe the behavior that you have observed, including specifics as to time and place.
- Express concern about the behavior and explain what consequences will occur if the behavior continues.
- Outline what changes are needed.
- Make a referral if appropriate.
Learn the lingo! To decrease the stigma of addiction it is important to have a common language that de-stigmatizes it. Addiction-ary is a great resource in learning this common language!
*77% of NC State undergraduates drink safely or don’t drink at all