About Cannabis
Cannabis and Other Drugs at NC State
According to the most recent Monitoring the Future study, “Prevalence did not significantly change in 2018 for adolescent use of inhalants, heroin, hallucinogens, MDMA (ecstasy, Molly), cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, cannabis (overall use by any method), smokeless tobacco, snus, dissolvable tobacco, hookah, small cigars, large cigars, alcohol use, extreme binge drinking (having 10 or 15 more drinks in a row on one or more occasions in the prior two weeks), or flavored alcoholic beverages.”
Cannabis and the Law
While the legalization for medicinal and recreational purposes for cannabis is present in 33 of the United States and Washington, D.C., generally it is still not legal in North Carolina unless you have a very specific and diagnosed medical condition; even then the only allowable cannabis possession is low in the component that produces the euphoric effect. So, it is illegal to possess, buy, sell and grow cannabis in the state of North Carolina. Breaking these laws can lead to expensive fines, university suspension, loss of financial aid, and possibly time in jail. Eviction from university housing for breaking these laws is common. Anyone with a drug conviction, no matter how minor, may lose their eligibility to get federal student aid. Here’s more information regarding NC State’s illegal drug policy.
Cannabis and the Body
Like all drugs, cannabis affects the body. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient that creates a “high”, goes straight to the brain’s cannabinoid receptors, which are located in the brain’s pleasure, memory, and movement control centers. While the “high” may last only a few hours, THC remains in the body for weeks, and even short-term use can impair memory, distort perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), cause poor motor coordination, and increase heart rate. Here’s more information concerning its effects on the body.
Rate Your Use
Cannabis can be addictive, which means it has the potential to keep someone from getting what they truly want in life. Is cannabis use getting in the way of things for you or someone you know? You can take the Cannabis e-CheckUptoGo survey to rate your use. Also, you can take the CUDIT R and find out how you rate. We are here to talk or answer questions for you – just contact us.